Thursday, July 2, 2020

Sakara and Nirakara worship III

                           Sakara and Nirakara worship III

In sakara  several types of worships are performed such as shodasopachara (sixteen forms of worship), archanas, light a lamp, agarbathi, burn camphor before deity.

     All these are sakara Tripti.

     When this gradually gets imprinted in the hridaya as Nirakara Thatwa (formless Divinity) and after shedding our body consciousness we worship with the Bhawa Pushpa (mental flowers)

Sakara worship
  -  Flowers offered are Jasmine, marigold, chamenthi etc.

Nirakara worship 
- Flowers to be offred : ahimsa (non-violence), 
Indriya nigraha ( sense control)
Daya         : (compassion)
Sathya      : (Truth)
Thapas     : (Penence) etc.,

     Unless we go upto a higher stage in our sadana and enter to Nivrithi Marga (inward path) we should not give up the Pravrithi Marga (external activities).

In chapter 12 of Bhagavad Gita, Gitacharya has taught that the following  qualities have to be developed by a devotee.

A devotee should always be happy, contented (samtripti) and peaceful.

He should not give scope for any pain or sorrow in his heart.

eg. Prahlada : Inspite of great physical pain and difficulties at the hands of his tormentors he never shed tears or cared for pain as he was constantly contemplating the name of the Lord. He was always happy and contented a Yogi.

A devotee should never allow bad qualities like anger,envy,jealousy,
hatred and carrying tales to enter into his mind.These are literally enemies and hinder his progress in devotional path.

He must be alike to everybody.

He should never hate anybody. (Adweshta Sarva Bhoothanam).

     Just as the seeds sown in a field do not sprout without cleaning the field before hand Atmananda and God's Grace cannot be obtained without shedding the bad qualities.

    Treat others as embodiments of the Divine.

     Love and respect the Jivas (beings)

Worshipping God and tormenting jivas can never enter into the devotional path.


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