Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Dasoham - Sivoham

                                      Dasoham - Sivoham

     " Asankalpa Jayeth Kamam Krodham Kaman Vivarjanam"

     Only a man who is devoid of Sankalpa (thoughts) can conquer kama (desires) and krodha (anger) - this is the meaning of this sloka.

Sankalpa is like a sharpedged sword. It tries to destroy the bad qualities and bad thoughts and bad feelings when noticed. 

    On the negative side because of the influence of sankalpas, Kama and krodha will develop in a person. Then he will lose appetite on account of vaatha (wind), pitha (bile secretion) and sleshma (phlegm).

    The mind is a bundle of sankalpas. Such a mind constantly pervades the Bhoothakasa, the objective world. The objective world is sustained by money, property and wealth.

    Gita considers Charactor as the only property: good conduct as money and atma jnana as the true wealth. Man's fame comes only by character. Hence Gita exhorted us to begin our quest for atma jnana with the help of good character and good conduct. 
First and foremost, one who is desirous of attaining Divinity, must control his desires and anger.

    When Duryodhana and Arjuna went to seek the help of Krishna, Duryodhana sought his physical power like the army and weapons.
Arjuna however, fell at the feet of Krishna and requested in all humility, for Lord Krishna Himself. Then lifting Arjuna and patting him on his back Krishna said:

Get up, Oh Dhanunjaya! Destiny is invinsible,
Truth will triumph. Justice will succeed: 
Selfishness will perish. This is Yugadharma.
Look! The father of a hundred children
will not be left with even one child
To perform his last rites, when destiny is otherwise.

     Lord Krishna explained thus to Arjuna, even at that time. The essence of this teaching is, one who relies upon his physical strength and power will not be able to Divine blessings, Divine Grace and Divine Knowledge. That is why, sadhaka who aspires for God's Grace must, at the outset, try to control worldly and sensual desires.

   However, the sadhaka who wishes to attain an Atmic state (Brahaman stage) has to start his spiritual journey with a feeling of "Dasoham" Dwaitha stage ( I am the servant (devotee) of God) ( he is different from God). Then he must rise to soham stage which is Visishtadwitha,  Here he comes face to face with God and prays "Oh God,I am your devotee' .When the sadhaka does sadhana in this "soham" state with total and unflinching devotion, he reaches Adwaita State. ( I am Brahman verily).

     Adwaitha is embedded in Visishtadwita. When you say 'I am Brahman', there are two entities I and Brahman.

     When you say 'I am your Dasa' , The Lord and Dasa are different. 
     When you say "I am Brahman" it becomes reflection of the inner being. When the individual is one, eventhough the object and image are different there is a coordination or link between the two. This is Visishtadwaitha.

    When the object itself is omnipresent, there is no place for image or reflection. when Divinity is pervading the whole Universe, where is the place for a reflection. 

     That is why, the omnipresent Divinity is called
 " Poorna Adwaitha" ( Total non-dualism).   

     First and foremost, one who is desirous of attaining Divinity,  must control his desires and anger.

Anger And The Method To Control It.

     As soon as a person gets a sankalpa (thought of desire), he must analyse whether it is good or bad sankalpa. If it is a bad one the sadhaka must nip it in the bud-stage itself. Whatever karma he performs, can be transformed into service to God. Then there is scope for developing sacred desires. It will help to control anger.

    How to control anger?

     Analyse the reason for your anger. You question yourself whether your anger is justified or not. If it is not justified, think the great pain you have caused to another by your anger. When you  thus make an analysis about your anger and its consequences, you will be able to control your anger to some extent. But, such a detailed analysis may not be possible for an ordinary man. 

     Therefore, immediately after you get angry don't put your tongue into action.

      When you control your anger by conscious effort, your body will get strength. Along with the body, the mind will also pickup strength.

      The Kathopanishad declared, "Naayamathma Balaheenena Labhyah" ( a weak person will not be able to attain atmic state).

      To achieve the atmic state, one has to control raaga (attachment) and dwesha (hatred) in the first instance. This is most essential not only for a sadhaka, but for every person.These two are responsible for all the agitations, chaos, evils, revolutions and lack of peace in 
the world today.

     Astika, Nastika And Yastika

     In God's view there is nothing like an astika (theist or one who believes in the existence of God).
or Nastika ( atheist) . 

You may entertain such a distinction, but God does not. Even Gitacharya declares that whoever has controlled his raaga (attachment) and dwesha (hatred) is most dear to Him. The secret
underlying the three concepts " astika"  "Nastika"and
 "Astika-Nastika " is the nature of their qualities only. Beyond these three, there is another type of person, namely, "Yastika".
Astika  :  is one who has self-confidence.

Nastika ; is one who does not have self-confidence.

Yastika-Nastika : is one who becomes an astika in times of difficulties and remains as Nastika at other times. 

Yastika  :  is like Prahlada, who has an inborn trait of devotion to God and who leads a pure and sacred life throughout. He could have a vision of God. Because has been experiencing the indwelling Divinity at all times and in all circumstances, he could enjoy Divine Bliss. 

     Our sadhanas will bear fruit only when we control Kama and Krodha.





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