Saturday, July 11, 2020

Three Essential Steps For The Spiritual Aspirant

                                          Three Essential Steps For The Spiritual Aspirant                     
       Bhakthya Thwananyayaa Sakyah
           Ahamevam Vidhorjuna
       Jnatum Drshtumcha Tathwena
          Praveshtum Cha Parantapa

Through single minded devotion, however, I can be seen in this form (with four arms) , nay known in essence and even entered into.

This statement beautifully portrays the spiritual aspirant, that there are three most important steps for gradual spiritual evolution.

Jantum :Signifies the firm conviction that God exists. The Sadhaka gathers knowledge about the form and attibutes of God, by study of scriptures, from the teachings of gurus and by hearing from the devotees who had divne experiences.The Sadhaka is not satisfied with this limited experience. This is "Dwaitha" Dualism.

Drahtum : From the above stage , by constant contemplation on the attributes of the Lord about which he heard before he will be blessed with the divine vision  Dharshan of the Lord directly. Not only that he will be able to have a dialouge (sambhashan)with the Lord. This is Visishtadwitha (qualified -nondualism) which develops the feeling that he is part of the Divine.

Darshan of the Lord is only "Drastuncha". Now it is time for

Prvestum :   Merging in Him. This is Adwaitha (non-dualism)     
                 If one wants to merge in Divinity, he should have only divine feelings, thoughts and actions. Every aspect of his life must become Godly. At this stage, he endeavours to cultivate Divine qualities like selflessness and broad mindedness. He struggles himself to attain oneness with God, in thought, word and deed. One day finally he succeeds in getting his desire fulfilled. This is the ultimate goal of his life.

     Hence, one should rise from Dwaitha stage (dualism) the existence of God, to

 Visishtsdwaitha stage (qualified non-dualism) converted into a vision of the Divine. finaly to

Adwaitha stage 
Merge with God. We must gain an experience of "I am God"
"I and God are one" only one."

    We should not have any rest or peace till we reach this supreme stage. 
     We are born as human beings and are living as human beings. 
We started our life's journey as Sadhkas. We joined the company of spiritual aspirants . We are listening to the stories of God. This is not enough. We must do sadhana to have the vision of the Lord.
Even this is not enough. We should not be contented with darshan, sparshan and sambhashan of the Lord. We must become one with Him. Lord Krishna taught Dhanunjaya thus.

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