Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Samsara Sagara ( The Ocean Of Samsara )

                         Samsara Sagara ( The Ocean Of Samsara )

The Bhava Sagara is full of difficulties. In the ocean, there will be crocodiles, whales, several other wild and ferocious creatures living. 

Similarly in the ocean of life, the crocodiles and whales of Kama (desire, lust), krodha(anger), lobha (greed), moha (delusion), madha (pride) and mastsarya (jealousy) live. These are ferocious animals. This ocean is unfathomable. This can be termed as "Pravahika Sathya" (flowing truth).

This ocean is full of tidal waves consisting of conflicting forces of Sukha and Duhkha (pain and pleasure). It is difficult to predict when one gets pleasure or when one is subjected to sorrow. 

The difficulties can be removed only when the "Atma Swarupa" 
(the divine Atma) which sines in every body in accordance with the saying "Swa Sareere Swayam Jyothih" (resplendent, self-effulgent flame in own's body). You must have firm faith in this truth.

When you recognise this Unity in diversity (all beings are atma swrupa),
unity of divine Atma, you will never try to hate anybody.

Performing sacred karmas like worship, vratha, Bhajans and yoga, Nine forms of worship are necessary until you recognise and understand the Atma Swrupa residing in all beings. But once you have recognised the sacred essence of Gita all these methods will appear to be of no use.

The Bhakti Yoga describes the qualities of a Devotee, in ever so many ways. It exhorts us to conquer the "Arishadvarga" (the six internal enemies of man). It is easy to say this, but difficult to put into practice.If so, when will it become easy to practice also?
The answer is, Only when one recognises the fact that God resides in all five senses of the body as "Rasa Swarupa" (in the form of essence).

     You will be able to enjoy the sweetness and sanctity of good qualities like truth, love, compassion, forbearance etc., only when
you get rid of bad qualities in you like anger, hatred, jealousy, selfishness and ego.

      The sanctitiy of good qualities can be enjoyed only after bad qualities are removed.

This is possible only through Bhakti (Love for God).

Love for God is Bhakti.

     "Anurakti" (love) one has for God is Bhakti. 
The life force " Bha" existing in God (Bhagavan) when

 added the life force "kti" in Anurakti (love), it becomes Bhakti (devotion)

When you continue to foster this "Bhakti" (devotion), you will get
all other things like "Sakti" (energy), "Rakti" (Desire for God), 
"Virakti" (cessation of wordly desires), Anurakti (love for God), and "Mukti" (Liberation) .Anurakti is the life-giving force for man. 
When you cultivate Anurakti for God, you will realise the truth that whomever you love, you are loving for your own sake. This is what sage Yagnavalkya said about Bhakti.

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