Monday, June 29, 2020

Sakara and Nirakara worship Part II

                         Sakara and Nirakara worship part II

Sakara  : Saguna worship - worship of God with attributes

Nirakara : Nirguna worship - worship of God without attribute

As long as one has body consciousness and body-attachment man cannot contemplate on the Nirvikara aspects of God.

Bhakta or sadhaka must invriably start worshiping God with a form and attributes in the beginning. He can gradually switch over to the Nirakara worship. Nevertheless having a firm foot-hold in the sakara aspects of Lord.

Bhutakasa :               is the result of the objective world and   senses        .
(earth is a tiny dot )

Chitthakasa     :          is the result of the influence of the mind
subtle form                 
of mental space    

Chidakasa       :       is the casual form of the Universe  result of the                                    mind and senses merging   into one. Here there is neither mind nor senses

God can be worshipped in cosmic form. This worship of cosmic form is also a sakara worship.
God as the Lord of the Universe is Bhutakasa.

God in His cosmic form is chitthakasa.

Chidakasa which is Beyond these two and also beyond mind and senses  is the Nirakara Nirguna Parabhrahma.

Sakara is momentary whereas Nirakara is permanent.

    Both sakara and Nirakara methods of worship are important for the sadaka on the spiritual path by the inluence of Bhakti.Thus he will be able to reach his goal of sannidhya (Divine Presence)

    The mind is a bundle of sankalpa (thoughts). Such a mind constantly pervades Bhoothakasa the objective world.h

    All that you see in Bhoothakasa (physical universe) is like ision in the dream.

    Whatever experience you have in your dream state are disappearing in the waking state.

    Similarly, all your experience in the waking state are also vanishing in the dream state.

   Subtle  form ( not noticeable , not bright ) of Boothakakasa is chiththakasa.

   Subtlest form of chiththakasa is chidakasa and this chidakasa is the eternal casual form of Universe.

    Chidakasa pervades the whole universe as the minutest of the minute and mightiest of the mighty.

"Anoraneeyam Mahthomaheeyam" 

As the minutest in the minute and the mightiest of the mighty (very strong/powerful) it exists everywhere as a witness for everything.
That Atma is Brahman and Brahman is Atma, Nirguna Para Brahman.

    By Dhyana merge objective world and senses in chiththakasa (mind).

    Merge senses and mind (thoughts) . You will find neighter mind nor senses.

   Then you will realise Chidakasa all pervading Nirguna Para Bramha.


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