Friday, July 3, 2020

Saranagathi thathwa

                                 Saranagathi Thathwa

Gita exhorted to develop  unconditional surrender. 
Sampoorna Saranagathi.

To develop this spirit of surrender, time is important. Jiva is bound by time. God is not bound by time.   God is beyond time. Man is mortal. God is Immortal. That is why, it is only when  you seek refuge in God, the time-bound life of a Jeeva becomes meaningful.

    Time is like a perennial river that flows. He who seeks refuge in God will be protected from this swift current: from these pains and sorrows. Ultimately he will be happily spending his time in His Divine presence. 

Lord's teaching  with regard to Saranagathi tathwa is as follows;

    "My son!  You are a mere jiva in this eternal flow of time. I am the shore, your only refuge. Only when you seek refuge in Me, you will be redeemed from all your pains and sorrows. Therefore, seek refuge in me."

     By following this teaching only,  the sadhaka surrenders himself to God saying " Anyatha Saranam Naasthi, Thwameva Saranam Mama" ( Other than your refuge there is none, you are my refuge)

The veil of Maya - A Big Obstacle.

     The biggest obstacle to this Saranagathi Thathwa is the veil of Maya.Because of this maya a devotee is unable to surrender himself 
totally and unconditionally to God: he gets confused. That is Maya. Due to this Maya We are unable to recognise the truth that this entire objective world is, infact, an embodiment of Brahma (absolute truth).  Hence we consider it as a changing world and exposed to pains and sorrows.

      When you look at the world with a spirit of enquiry, it will be revealed to you as a "Pravahika Sathya" (flowing truth). Constant change is pravaha (flow). This world is pravahika sathya. That means real and unreal. In vedantha, this is called "Sadasath".( A mixture of truth and untruth.)

Sadhana is the effort to separate truth from untruth .This sadhana is termed as 
" Nithya Anitya Vibhaga yoga"
 "Kshetra Kshetrajna  Vibhaga Yoga" and
 "Gunathraya Vibhaga yoga"
in the Bhagavad Gita.

     Maya is associated with trigunas (Sathwa, Rajas and Thamoguna)
Maya (delusion), ajnana (ignorance), prkriti (nature), 
Thamas (darkness) are synonymous. All these mean the same. 

Deluding oneself into thinking as truth and real, that which is not existing, is maya.

eg. rope  for a snake.

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