Friday, July 17, 2020

Devotee is dearest to God

                                                                         Devotee is  dearest to God 

     "Thesham Sathatha  Yukthanaam Bhajathaam
     Dadaami Buddhiyogam Tham Eva
                  Maamupayaanthi the"

" Whosoever worships Me constantly with love and affection, to such a person I will grant Buddhi Yoga" - declares the Lord. Not only this. He has also promised " I will take him unto Me". Buddhi Yoga means the discrimination between Atma and Anathma. This is possible only for the pure devotees. The Bhagavad Gita has established the fact that that the eternal Knowledge leading to Mukthi can be acquired only by means of pure and unsullied devotion. It has declared that it is only through "Dasohamthathwa"
(total surrender by becoming God's servant), one can attain" Soham
Thathwa" (' I am that' state completely identifying oneself with Divinity) . It has unequivocally stated "Bhaktimaan Mey Priyo Narah" 
(a devotee par excellence is most dear to Me).

Bhakti and Para Bhakti

Bhakti is worshipping God with the materials available in the objective world like flowers, incense sticks, camphor etc.,

     Cultivate good character, good behaviour and good qualities in the Brindavan of your heart by your conscious effort and worship God with such flowers . This process is called Parabhakti.

Bhakti (devotion) and Jnana (knowledge)

Without meditation, Knowledge is not possible. Without knowledge, meditation is not possible.

The inner meaning of Dhyanam is contemplation on Divinity.
Also contemplation on God is Bhakti (Devotion).

Bhakti is like a flower. Without going through the process of Bhakti, the fruit of Akhanda Jnana (infinite Knowledge) cannot be obtained.
Bhakti is the basis for Akhanda Jnana.

At the flower (Bhakti) stage a sadhaka must begin with a feeling of dasoham ( I am the servant, meaning servant of God).Starting from dasoham  state, he should finally reach the Brahmoham ( I am Brahman) or soham (I am that) state.

     When one starts his sadhana with a dasoham feeling, his ego will vanish. As long as there is 'Ahamkara' (ego), 'Atma jnana' (knowledge of self) is not possible. 

     Arjuna threw down his Gandiva (bow) of ego and surrendered himself before Lord Krishna saying "Karishye   vachanam Thava"
( I will act according to your dictates). Then Lord Krishna constantly provided him courage and encouragement. As long as there is ego, visualisation of the Divine form at the Atmic level is not possible.

     Dehabhranthi ( the delusion of identification with the body) must be given up. One should cultivate Ekathma Bhavana (a feeling of universal oneness with God) by constantly remaining as a Yogi.
Only such people can experience this great truth.

     Thus, a devotee shedding his ego, attains Atmic Bliss and remains in that state without interruption. For this, three paths , namely Dwaita, Visishtadwaita and Adwaita have been prescribed.

Dwaita, Visishtadwaita and Adwaita 

     Dwaita             : To think " I m a devotee of God."

     Visishitsdwaita ; To think " I am your devotee"

      Adwaita           : To think " I and You are one".

But it is only when we start in Dwaita, we can reach the Adwaita stage. wtithout sakara  and saguna (form and attributes) worship
nirakara and nirguna (formless and attributeless) is not possible. Therefore, we must begin our journey to God, as a Dasa (servant).

     It is only when you recognise the Divinity in Man and firmly
establish yourself in the belief that it is none other than God Himself, that the Jivathathatwa in you will gradually vanish. The Gita says "sreyohi Jnanam Abhyasaath." It means that you will attain Jnanam (wisdom) only by abhyasa (practice). 

    There are two kinds of knowledge.

Bhoutika Jnana (Secular Knowledge). This is knowledge.
To observe and enquire into the material objects is ordinary knowledge.

Adhyathmika Jnanam : Wisdom. To recognise and understand the basic  principle underlying the object as an indweller is spiritual knowledge.
    Without the background of spiritual knowledge, it is impossible to acquire secular knowledge. All good actions are performed only by means of acquiring spiritual knowledge. 

     The body is most essential for performing any righthteous and sacred deeds to help others. 

     Our desires have to be burnt through the body and feelings. The desires have to be brought under our control gradually, step-by-step. By  controlling our senses and  desires, certain changes take place in our attitude, resulting in "Karmaphala Thyaaga" (renouncing the fruit of our actions). 

    Gita said  " Maa Phaleshu " (never aspire for the fruit). it never said "Naa Phaleshu"(no fruit). There is a fruit for every action of ours. But what is important is, never perform any Karma anticipating a fruit (result). Perform all actions as your sacred duty.

     As long as we are in the process of recognising the secret of  the result of action, performance of our duties is essential.  For karmaphala thyaga or karma itself, for developing Jnana or Dhyana-
in fact for everything Prema (love) is important.

     Sathya, Dharma, Santhi and Prema are indicators of good conduct and character. 

    To achieve  Sathya, Dharma and Santhi cultivation of love is very much necessary. 

      Prema, when results in action, becomes Dharma.
      Prema when associated with understanding becomes Santhi.
      Love is the birthplace for all other human values.

      Therefore, Gitacharya exhorted us to cultivate Love to reach Him.

      when you install the Lord in your heart, it is not necessary to make separate Sadhanas to renounce the fruit of your actions (Karmaphalathyaga). 

      Lord Krishna said "When you become my devotee, chant My name contemplate on Me, Meditate on Me and engage yourself in My thoughts at all times and all places, then I will take care of everything for you." For undertaking such a dedicated effort, you must have a firm resolve and unflinching and total faith.Without this, it is not possible to achieve Divine Bliss.

      Let your thoughts be pure and profound flowing from a pure heart. Go near Him with Paripoorna Prema (Full and unciditional Love). God has asserrted that He is " Bhjathaam Priyo" meaning He will be dearest one who worships and serves him. 

     All our actions and thoughts must be turned towards inward path. 
We must believe that Love is the mst important factor in Bhaktiyoga.

     You must always cultivate good and truthful thoughts. 

      Love is everything: God is Love and Love is God. Therefore.cultivate Love and expand your little self into infinity and try to merge in that Supreme Self. This is the essence of the teachings of Bhaktiyoga. 



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