Thursday, July 9, 2020

Protect the Body

                                            Protect the Body 

     The body is a temple which houses God. This is a chriot in which God moves. God is taken in ceremonial procession installed in the chariot. Hence we should not neglect the body. Such a sacred body should be honoured by not indulging in evil deeds.

    We consider, having a sumptuous dinner with a variety of dishes as a great enjoyment. No, No. Food must be taken as a medicine for the disease of hunger. Then only our body will be healthy for doing sadhana.
     We must protect the body (deha) till we recognise the Indweller (Dehi). We are doing all sadhanas only through the body. We are learning all knowledge only through the body. We are recognising the uniqueness of Divinity only through the body. Therefore, we must always realise the Dehi (Divinity)  through the Deha ( body).
     We must recognise the truth, that God resides as the indweller. To recognise this truth,  we must turn our vision inwards.

     In what manner should be our yearning for God.

As in a herd of cows
A stranded calf "Amba, Amba, Amba" bleats
As a pining wife, for the absent spouse weeps,
With growling belly, as the starving beggar for a morsel pleads, 
so for your Lord seek.
    Such an intense yearning must be developed by a devotee for 
becoming one with God and merge with Him.

   When the thoughts, words take the shape of action, it becomes worship.
you must make a sincere effort to purify your thoughts. You must cultivate pure love. You must develop forbearance. There is nothing greater than forbearance  (Kshama) in this world.

kshama (forbearance) is Sathyam (Truth,) Dharma (Righteousness)
Veda, Ahimsa (Non-violence), Daya (Compassion), 
Santhosham (Happiness), Sarvasvam (everything) in this world.

Kshama means patience and forbearance by which you will be able to attain Divinity.

Anger and tension are very dangerous. This will reduce the life span of an individual.

God can be attained only through love. 

Lord Krishna repeatedly exhorted in the Bhagavad Gita to cultivate 
Prematathwa. Love knows no hatred. It does not allow scope for selfishness. Love always gives and forgives. That is why Love is Divine. In order to attain such Divinity, we must develop divine qualities in us. 

Loving God can be attained by love itself. For developing love for God    Sadhanas such as Japa,Thapa or Dhyana, Bhajana etc. are necessary. we must  recognise that these Sadhanas  will acquire
a purpose and meaning only when we put into practice their inner meaning.

If we spend at least  one hour a day in such sacred activities. our body will be sanctified. We will also accumulate some punya.



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