Monday, July 6, 2020

Saranagathi Thathwa (The spirit of Surrender)

                       Saranagathi Thathwa ( Spirit of Surrender)

     Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita told Arjuna " Oh Arjuna ! By maya, you are swept away by the flow of time. You are moving far away from Me. Take refuge in Me. You will be redeemed from your sorrows." 

     When you are associated with God and live in His Divine presence, maya will not trouble you in the least.

     Lord Krishna exhorted Arjuna thus " My dear! You are attached to sense objects. You are engrossed in ever so many activities in this objective world. Thereby, you are confused and unable to concentrate. Resort to Abhyaasa Yoga (the yoga of practice). Then only you will get concentration; you will take refuge in Me. Contemplate on Me with love and faith. Whatever activity you are undertaking, think of Me.

    ' I am engaged in the battle field, is it not a worldly and mundane goal?' Do not think on these lines. 

'Mamanusmara, Yudhyacha' Even while engaged in the war, think of Me. This not a battle against an external enemy. Think that you are with your own internal enemies of your bad thoughts and bad intentions. It is a fight against your own inner senses. You must conquer them."

     As long as you have the feeling of "I and Mine", surrender is not possible. This is the influence of Bhutakasa.You must conquer Bhuthakasa and get into chitthakasa and ultimately into the realm of chidakasa. Once you are in that realm, God will look after all other things.

    Conquer the senses (Bhhuthakasa) and mind (bundle of thoughts) ( chitthakasa) .  Then You will realise  chidakasa  casual form of Universe which is all pervading Nirguna Parabramham God. when mind and senses merge, Atma residing as witness  in every Jiva (Jivathma) will be recognised.  We will see the all pervading God in every being and get the knowledge that Jivathma is only the reflection of Paramathma  God  who  is omnipresent from Microcosm to Macrocosm  in chidakasa ( casual form of Universe) as paramathma will be experienced.
you will realise chidakasa all pervading Nirguna Para Bramhan.

    A jiva should not presume to have a choise of his own. Everything is God. To obey His command is the characteristic of a person who surrenders himself to God totally.

   ' Come and sit in my train . I will carry your luggage to your destination. Do not carry your luggage on your head, even here and suffer in the process.'Thus  Sri Krishna explained the significance of saranagathi Thathwa in the path of devotion.

     When a devotee surrenders himself completely to God, he will get the pension of God's Grace,wherever he is. 
" Whether you are in the forest or the sky; village or town; on the hillock or in mid stream - wherever you are, I am the sole refuge for you. Surrender unto Me thus", declared the Lord. 

     Therefore, it is necessary for everybody to undertake actions that will sanctify his time as well as his body and finally surrender to God completely.

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