Friday, August 7, 2020

The Method of controlling Kama and krodha

                               The  Method of controlling Kama and  krodha

Krodha comes out of Kama. Kama is born out of Sankalpas (thoughts and resolutions). Therefore, Gita says that sankalpas are the rootcause for Kama and Krodha. The Gitaharya has given a new name "analam" (fire) for kama and krodha. 

     The fire-power destroys human nature and supress Divine nature, making it demonic. kama can never be satisfied. 

     Analam has another meaning "not sufficient", No satisfaction. 

     There are limits for the power or heat of the fire. However there is no limit or rule or goal for the fire of kama and krodha. However much you enjoy, you still feel like enjoying more. How to control them? How to conquer them? Ofcourse, there are methods for this.

Conquer the fire of Anger, with Love.

Gitacharya advises us to conquer anger with love, and desire with detachment. The sadhaka must install love in his heart. In accordance with Lord's promise ( wherever my glory is sung, I shall firmly install myself). When God is installed in our heart, there is no place for others in our heart. Keeping this statement in view, the sadhakas must give place in their heart to only one Divine Power, One Divine Nature, One Divine Feeling and One Divine Love. When you want to conquer anger with love, you must give foremost place to love in your heart, forever. Love can forgive any blemishes and mistakes. It has such a great quality. 

"Love lives by giving and forgiving
self lives by getting and forgetting.

Where there is  love, there is no selfishness. You can achieve anything with Love. Therefore, if you want to conquer anger, you must develop Love. If you are able to  realise, that the same Lord permeates the whole universe, there is no scope for hating anybody or showing anger to others. Therefore, first and foremost, we must cultivate Love.

Love associated with our thought becomes truth.
Love put into action becomes righteousness.
When love is understood, it becomes peace.
when love is associated with our feelings, it becomes non-violence.

     Love is the undercurrent in all these four. This is the true Divine Force. This is God's power. That is why it is said,  "Love is God; Live in Love." It is only by love that  anger can be subdued easily.

   Therefore, first and foremost, you must develop love to keep the anger under control.


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