Thursday, June 25, 2020

The Mental transformation of Arjuna

                               The Mental transformation of Arjuna

Gita exorts : "Advestha sarva Bhoothanam Maitrah karuna eva cha "

     Do not hate anybody. Develop love and compassion towards all beings. When we talk of prema (love) whatever we think, whatever we speak, whatever do, must reflect love.

     We must develop unconditional love. 

      Arjuna was egoistic in the beginning and held Ghandiva with pride to destroy the Kauravas, his enemies.

     Just at the moment of commencement of the war he laid down the Ghandiva and sat down out of compassion born out of his ego thinking that he would be the killer of those warriers.

     Lord Krishna taught him the Gita and explained to him the correct position that he was 'Nimiththa Mathram' merely an instrument in His hands.

    Arjuna realised his folly and prostrated before Lord Krishna
saying "Karishye vachanam thava" I will act according to your intructions.

     Till then they were Brothers-in-law. But when Arjuna said the above words they became Guru and Disciple.

     Their relationship has now transformed into that of God and His devotee.

     Mental transformation is necessary for every devotee. 
Without this, any amount of devotion and nearness will be of no use.


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