Monday, June 22, 2020

Essence of Bhavad Gita

First Sloka

Dharmakshetre kurukshetre samaveta yuyutsavah
Maamakaa Paandavachaiva Kimakurvatha Sanjaya

Last Sloka

Yatra Yogeswarah Krishno Yatra Partho Dhanurdharay
Thatra Sree vijayo Bhootir Dhruva Neethir Mathir Mama

     First word in the first sloka is Dharma 
     Last word in the last sloka is Dharma 

When you combine the two words it becomes Mama Dharma (My duty)

This is what is taught in Bhagavd Gita.

Gita exorts us to perform our respective duties in accordance and keeping with our positions.

Arjuna was Khatriya and grahastha. His duty was to fight in the battle field.
But Arjuna  put down bow and arrows out of despondency and delusion and sat down in the chariot. 

     In this situation Sri Krishna taught Bhagavad Gita and initiated him into his duty as khatriya.

     Finally Sri Krishna enquired Arjuna 

Are you free from delusion and ego now ?

Nirmamo Nirahankarah Prasanthi Madhigachati

He who is free from delusion and ego will attain peace.

Arjuna replied : I am totally free from delusion now.

     As long as there is Moha (delusion) - there is attachment

To become free from moha (delusion) is Moksha (liberation)

Moksha is not an exclusive privilege of sitting in an 
air-conditioned room.

Every man should perform his duty and lead an ideal life.

Chant the sloka, grasp the meaning and put into practice - This triple sadhana will make human life fruitful.

Then your soka will be removed.

                                 Bhakti Tathwa
                             The devotional Path

    Aham Thwaa Sarvapapebhyo
    Mokshayishyami Ma Suchaah

Whoever surrenders himself unto me and takes refuge in me, 
I will redeem him of all sins and grant him liberation. 
(Brahma Prapthi).

Spiritual aspirants must keep these words in their minds and strive to develop devotion and surrender to God.

vedas made an effort to describe the cosmic form of Divinity
thus "Atyathistath Dasangulam" . It means that God pervades the whole Universe and still rises to an extent of 10 inches extra. He is omnipresent. 

Bhutakasa :  Chandramandala, Suryamandala, 
Beautiful earth appears like a tiny dot in Bhutakasa

Chitthakasa : Subtle mental space 

Chidakasa : The casual form of the Universe.

Divinity is beyond all these three.

Humanbeings with their limited knowledge cannot recognise God who is the Lord of 

three lokas ( swarga,Marthya and pathala)

three gunas ( sathwa, Rajas and Thamas)

three aspects of time ( past, present and future)

But Bhagavad Gita has taught an easy method for this purpose.


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