Sunday, June 28, 2020

The qualities required for spiritual seeker

                          The qualities

 required for spiritual


     The student seeking spiritual knowledge (Vidhya) must possess kindness, compassion and love toward all living beings.Kindness to all living beings should be the student's very nature. If it is absent, the student becomes boor. More than anything else, spirituality is being compassionate toward living beings. If a person bears ill - will against any being, his or her education has no meaning. The advice given in the Gita Adwesahta sarva Bhuthanam ( bear no ill-will toward any or all beings, conveys this message. In the same manner, Bhagavad 
Gita warns that any insult or injury or even neglect directed against any living being is an act that insults, injures or neglects the Divine(Sarva jiva thiraskaram Keshavam pratigacchati). The narrow vision that is limited to one's family or community must be given up.
Uniform compassion shown in this manner transforms itself into
well-being for all the recipients. Wishing well for all is the sign of one who has earned spiritual knowledge.
chapter 16 - Vidya Vahini.
boor - meaning - a crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement.

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