Monday, June 29, 2020

The Sakara and Nirvikara worship

                              The Sakara And Nirvikara Worship

  " Bhaktiman Mey Priyo Narah"  He who has devotion is dear to Me.

These are God's own words.  Man is acquiring  wealth, gold and  several other material things. He is able to achieve honours, prestige and power.These are momentary.

     What is to be achieved is God's Grace. It is full of essence, most precious like diamond and which grants perpetual joy.

 How to achieve such pure Love and Divine Grace?
Which path have you to tread for achieving this boon?

Remove ego and bad qualities from Hridaya Kshetra (Field of the heart). Then crop of atmananda (Atmc Bliss) become available.

     Same principle is explained in Bhakti Yoga in Bhagavd Gita.

( Attachment  to the body ) must be removed.
Man deludes himself into thinking that he is loving God.

What is important is whether God loves you or not.

How to achieve God's Love?

     You must always be contented, contented to the heart.

Tripti (contentment ) is different from Samtripti.

Tripti is momentaty, temporary, worldly nature -(Pravriththi)

You must have samtripti.

Samtripti flows from the heart. Changeless permanent and related to eternal truth (Nivriththi Marga). Neither anything can be added to it. It is a changeless self contented state of mind. This connotes an equanimous state of mind. One is neither elated by success or depressed by failure. It is pure unsullied and unwavering love.

     Whatever God grants, whatever God gives must be taken as Prasada (His Gift) and we must be contented with that. Such an equanimous state of mind and balanced behaviour can be considered as Samtripti.

   So we must have Samtripti to achieve God's Love.

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