Tuesday, June 16, 2020


In the first instance you must develop total faith in Divinity.
Atma Vidhya gives Atma Jnana.
Atma Jnana has two branches 1.Principles of unity in diversity 2. Immortality in mortality.
Atma Vidhya (spiritual knowledge) deals with  1. Sacred creation and sustenace of the universe
2. Divine path to attain the Lotus Feet of the Lord.

                     Basis of spiritual Knowledge

  1. Nirmala Chittha (pure heart)                                            
  2. Chittha Shuddhi (Purity of Conscience
               To develop purity of conscience perform  
 sacred karmas
   Sacred karmas flow from  

I 1) pure life (2) good behaviour (3) good qualities (4) good company (5) satudy of sacred texts like Maha Bharatha, ,Ramayana, Bhagavatha, Bhagavad Gita, upnishads, Bramhasutras etc.

II) Actions of charity, sacrificial rites etc.,

Atma Vidhya gives happiness by removing sorrow.

Helps to win the grace of God, attain Divine Atma Tatva

Material possessions cannot help to secure Atma Vidhya.

Lord Krishna Said

"Yo Madbhaktah sa May Priyah"

Who worships Me with full devotion is dear to Me.

Human nature acquires greatness through self confidence and faith in yourself and God.

Education and culture must be hand in hand.

Easwara Sarvabhutnam : God lives in every living being.

Esavasyam idam sarvam : The whole universe is pervaded by God.

Vasudeva Sarvamidham : All that is Vasudheva God.

We ascribe the names and forms to Him who is in fact all-pervading.


     There is no distinction between human being, educated or illiterate, a demon, an 
animal or a bird so far as devotion is concerned.

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa : did not pursue any secular education. He was from a very poor family. Day in and Day out he was engrossed in the worship of Durga Devi. He was able to spread spiritual power all over the world.

Valmiki: (Ratnakara highway robber transformed into the great rishi  Valmiki wholly due to the worship of God's name and form.

Prahladha: Son of Demon king Hiranyakasipu became world famous due to his love for God and  earned everlasting name and fame.

Hanuman: Though he belonged to the monkey species led a purposeful and worthy life by chanting of Ramanama. In fact, he set an example in the worship of God.

Jatayu: Vulture - by constant contemplation on Ramanama and worshiping Lord Rama with pure love could have the good fortune of getting his last rites performed by the Lord Rama.

     Pure and unsullied love towards God is devotion. This is selfless, flawless and unshakable.
We must cultivate such a Divine  love in our worldly relationships.

Begin our enquiry with a question " who am I "

My is separate entity which resides in everything as sakshi (witness) . This is also called as consciousness . Also called as " Chaitanya ". Chaitanya is present everywhere.
Another name to this chaitanya is Chith.

You can only recognise 'consciousness' 'chith'  by turning inward.

starting with the assumption 

Mind is not ' I '

Buddhi is not ' I '

'Chittha' is not 'I'

Ultimate stage of I am I is reached discovering nature of one's own Self. (Atma)

For discovering one's own self Atma do Sadhana.

Bhakti is that Sadhana marga. No separate path is necessary to reach God.e 

Omnipresent God can be found anywhere and everywhere.  Until we develop such firm belief and faith we have to depend upon name and form for our worship.

Bhakti Marga : leads to develop a feeling of unity with divinity and finally install ourselves in Atma Jnana.


Flower :             Path of action  (karma marga)

into raw fruit  : Bhakti marga

When raw fruit is
nourished and nurtures  :  Fruit of Jnana
ripens itself

Fruit                                 : enters the sweetness

Finally leading  to           : vairagya (detachment)


Karma  -   Action leads to

Upasana  - devotion (worship) leads to

Wisdom or Jnana leads to

Vairagya (detachment)

We should enter into the Karma Marga (path of action)

Whatever action we perform, they must be done with a spirit of offering to God.

Power of thinking and power of action, both are important to man.

Thought word and deed should be in harmony as in great souls. 
Whatever we do, it must be done whole heartedly. this is karma marga. 

Such type of Sadhana will lead to surrendering the fruit of actions to God.

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