Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Bhagavd Gita Part II

                 Undaunted courage wins

 "Kshudram Hridaya Daurbalyam" Sri Krishna commanded Arjuna to get rid of his "manasika daurbalyam" (weak mindedness or timidity) which was reprehensible and stand firmly in the battle field to fight with his enemies, the Kauravas.

     Fundamental reason for weakmindedness is dehathma bhava (body consciousness). In turn, the influence of ajnana (ignorance) is the reason for this dehathma Bhava which makes the man weak-minded. Thus, the body is the cause for all the sorrows.That is why, Lord has constantly reminded Arjuna " Naayamaathma Balaheenena Labhyah" ( this atmic knowledge is not available for the weak-mined).The weak-minded is haunted by delusion (moha).If there is no delusion, there is no sorrow. 

    The feeling of I and mine is a delusion. Arjuna was overtaken by feeling of mamathwa ( "I and "Mine) and deluded by this on account of delusion. Due to this delusion Arjuna exhibited timidity and pleaded for the withdrawal from the battlefield. Having thus diagnosed the disease of Arjuna, Lord Krishna, the Divine Doctor started His treatment.

Krishna's treatment for Arjuna's disease.

      Lord Krishna heard all the utterence of Arjuna born out of his ignorance and despondency. Then Krishna said "You are afflicted with the disease of "karpanya" (loss of discrimination power). I will give you correct medicine for this disease. Having diagnosed the disease and the reasons therefor i.e. moha (delusion) and soka (sorrow), Sri Krishna started His treatment with the medicine of Sankhya Yoga (the path of knowledge). 

     A person drowning must be first pullled out of the water and then given some treatment. If this procedure  is not followed, the person will be drowned to death. Arjuna's condition at the moment is that he is drowned in sorrow and delusion (soka and moha). Therefore, he should be treated for this condition first. Accordingly, Krishna gave him a strong injection of courage and confidence to pull him out of his weakness, Thus, He started explaining the concept of atma and anatma. 

      Krishna said " I will teach you about what you are and what I am. If you want to become like Me, then follow Me". Then Arjuna surrendered and said "karishye vachanam thava"          ( Swami, I will act according to your dictates).  Sri Krishna in the first instance, instilled a sense of courage and confidence in Arjuna and prompted him to go ahead in his task with enthusiasm.

    What is the meaning of the first sloka of the Bhagavad Gita.

The kurukhetra had transformed itself  into Dharmakshetra because sacrificial rites like yagna and yaga were performed here. It acquired the name of kurukshetra because the sons of kuru played here in their childhood. This dharmakshetra is filled with selfless, sacred, divine, ever-fresh and noble feelings. 

Dharmakshetra and Kurukshetra are one and the same. 

Kurukshetra had tranformed itself into Dharmakshtra .

A body that is unaffected by the gunas and is always in a state of bliss, is called dharmakshetra. 

    When envy, jealousy, pride, ego, desire, anger and delusion grow up with the body , it becomes a kurukshetra. Therefore, the human body itself is both a dharmakshetra and kurukhetra.  Both good and bad are in our hridayakshetra. The war between Pandavas and kauravas lasted only for 18 days. But, the war between good and bad continues throughout our life. There is no end to it. That is why, Dritharashtra said in the sloka "dharmakshetre and kurukshetre".

     The sankhya yoga taught by Sri Krishna to Arjuna was an effort to remove the soka and moha from Arjuna's heart and fill it with the nectar of jnana.

     You should never develop mean quality of                    weak-mindedness. When you are able to cast this weakness away, then only daiva bala (divine strength) will accure to you.

Sadhana with courage and alacrity.

     At the outset, we should never give scope for any fear or weakness. We must hold the weapon of courage. If we are not mentally strong, everybody will try to frighten us. We must cultivate courage and fortitude to stand up to such challenges. We should always face the situation courageously. Swami Vivekananda also said " Be fearless". We can achieve in our life only with courage and fortitude. Mere courage is not enough. You must have alacrity. You should not have thoughtless courage. You should have discriminatory courage. You must develop a sense of discrimination as to how to conduct yourself in different situations. 

     Wherever you are you must make efforts to achieve things with a sense of courage and alacrity.


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