Friday, September 18, 2020

God is the embankmentfor the flow of time

 " Thasmaath Sarveshu Kaaleshu

Mamanusmara Yudhyacha

Mayyarpitha Manobuddhir Maame Vaishyasi

Na Samsayah"

     Lord Krishna exhorted Arjuna: " Oh! Arjuna! you constantly contemplate on Me. Offer your mind and intellect to me. Carry on with the war, which is your swadhrma (your duty). You are sure to reach me. There is no doubt about this." Of all the things in this world, time is most precious one. Each one can analyse for himself how he is spending such a valuable time. 

     Time swallows everything in this world and, ultimately, time itself is swallowed by God. To obtain the grace of God, Man has to constantly engage himself in karthavya karmas (duties ordained on him) and sanctify his body. We cannot retrieve the time that is already lost. You  can regain your health that is lost, but not the time. Therefore you must make efforts for the proper utilisation of such a precious time.

     Unable to realise what will happen in the next moment, what difficulties and dangers they may have to encounter, they are wasting their precious time in vain pursuits. If you want to  make proper utilisation of time, you must realise your duty as a human being and undertake sacred activities, not wasting even a second. You may spend lakhs and crores of rupees, but you will not get back even a second that has already become part of history. Youth is the most important and excemplary stage of our life. Youth must recognise this truth and make efforts for proper utilisation of their time. Today, nobody cares to know what will happen in future. The time we spend can be sanctified by performing all our actions (karmas) as an offering to God.

Firm faith and firm determination

     Lord Krishna advised Arjuna to dedicate his mind (manas) and intellect (bhuddhi) to Him and carry on his activities in full swing. When you thus offer all your karmas to God, you will not encounter any difficulties. Therefore, what is needed is man must develop dridha viswasa (firm faith) in God and carry on his activities with dridha nischaya (firm determination)  as an offering to God.

     You must have the courage and confidence to say "Oh! Lord ! It is said that you are pervading the whole universe as the minutest of the minute and the mightiest of the mighty. But, you are residing in my little heart in a half-space. With such firm determination, faith and self-confidence, you can easily attain divinity.

    Bhagiratha brought the Ganges water to the earth with firm determination. Buddha also did great thapas and attained Nirvana.

Bhuddha sent a reply to his father who wanted him to come back to his Kingdom as follows:

     Oue birth is full of sorrow: old age is sorrow; wife and children are sorrow; last journey is still more sorrowful. All these sorrows come again and again. Therefore, be careful, be careful. thus goes the saying. Having known all these things, having seen people suffering right in front of our eyes and having heard about what is going on in this world, what is the point in falling a prey to this ignorance? Buddha sent this reply to his father. 

     We must also recognise this Truth. That should be our endeavour.


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