Friday, October 9, 2020

Happiness comes out of Jnana only

                           Happiness comes out of Jnana only

    Arjuna was afflicted with "karpanya" dosha (the malady of ignorance). It was only because of ajnana (ignorance) that Arjuna was suffering from moha (delusion) and dukha (sorrow).

     In sankhya yoga, an effort is made mainly to create a sense of detachment (virakti) and teach the divine atma thathwa. Lord Krishna has established the fact that this body is like a worn out dress.

Then some people may have a doubt. After living for 80, 90 or 100 years, nobody will have a grouse for leaving the body like an old cloth. But, when people die very young either in the childhood or youth, does it not amount to leaving the new cloth. 

    When a twenty year old body dies, how can it be presumed as old. True. In our view, this is new. 

eg. You purchased a new cloth , kept in almirah and forgot it totally. After five to six years, while rearranging the clothes you find the cloth and gave for stitching. You wear the shirt and bend to sit down.  The new shirt  got is torn. The reason is, the cloth belonged to an old stock. Similarly one takes up body and spends a few years in that body. Then it looks new. But the individual's life is very old. It has been passing through several previous births.  

     The young man or a child in his previous birth did so many sadhanas and died. Therefore, even before living upto the ripe old age he has exhausted his karmas. We are taking into consideration the life span and strength of the body in this birth, to decide the point whether it is old or new. But, God takes into consideration the life span, situations, standards and the results attained by a person during the past lives.

     For a person entangled in moha, nothing else is acceptable. This is the greatest power of maya (illusion). If you want to remove this maya, you have to develop atmic power called jnana. That is why Sri Krishna started to teach Arjuna, the atmavidya in the first instance.You must identify yourself with that great knowledge and truth you have read about and listened to by putting them into practice. 

The five sorrows

     Arjuna grieved because his heart was filled with Ajnana. There are five types of klesa (sorrows). Pancha klesas.

1. avidya klesa (sorrow caused by ignorance).

2. abhinava klesa (sorrow caused by complacent attitude)

     (A complacent person is very pleased with themselves or feels that they do not need to do anything about a situation, eventhough the situation may be uncertain or dangerous.) Pleased especially with oneself or one's merits, advantages, situation etc., often without awareness of some potential danger or defect ; self satisfied.)             ( satisfied without discrimination).

3. Asthitha or vishaya klesa (sorrow caused by sensual or materialistic joys)

4. Raga klesa ( sorrow caused by infatuation) . Infatuation is a feeling  foolish or obsessively strong love for , admiration for, or interest in someone or something . strong and unreasoning attachment. (arivatra mogam)

5.Dwesha klesa ( sorrow arising out of developing hatred towards others. 

     These klesas have to be removed in toto. Ajnana and moha have to be completely removed. That is why Sri Krishna taught Sankhya yoga.

Arya and Anarya

     There are two kinds of people in this world, Aryas and Anaryas.

An arya is one, who follows the right, sacred and noble path. He seeks the company of great men and practices their teachings. He experiences great spiritual truths and enjoys the inner happiness of the spirit.

     In contrast to this, an anarya is one who has an impure heart and unsacred thoughts. He lives an unrighthous life, for he is under the spell of ignorance. He is like a demon when compared to an arya, who is like God. 

    Sri Krishna exhorted Arjuna, to live upto the name arya and encouraged and tried to instill self-confidence in Arjuna, by ever so many ways.

Indriyas are the Mathras    

Krishna continued His exhortion further and said "Oh Arjuna! the root cause for this ajnana (ignorance) is your moha (delusion). Again the basis for this delusion (moha) is ajnana (ignorance). Therefore if you want to control dukha (sorrow), moha (delusion), and ajnana (ignorance), you control your senses first. 

     The indriyas are like the horses that will take you to your destination. It is only  when you keep these horses under control, the chariot and charioteer will be able to reach their destination safely. Sri Krishna has given a new name "mathra" to the senses. What does mathra mean? That which measures is a "mathra".Therefore,indriyas, (senses) mean mathras.

     The tongue measures and decides tastes declaring this is sweet, this is sour, this is bitter, etc., The eye sees an object and decides its form. The ear hears a song and decides that it is melodious or otherwise. Similarly indriyas measures a particular aspect and decides.

     The word "matra" has another meaning, limit which means that each of these indriyas has its own limits. How do you decide the limits of these indriyas, For example, the nose is given to you to smell the fragrance. But, supposing you feed snuff into it, then it is a misuse of the nose. It amounts to misuse of the God-given indriyas. 

Tounge - is given to provide happiness to others by our sweet words.

Speaking bad words- misuse. crossing the limit.

To partaking of pure healthy and sacred sathwic food. 

eating meat, drinking alchohol, smoking cigars -misuse. crossing the limit.

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