Monday, September 14, 2020


                                                              LIFE IS A LONG JOURNEY

     You must formly believe the fact that life is a long journey. This fact must borne in mind. Those who forget this indulge themselves in worldly pleasures and thus do not get ready to face the difficulties and losses in this long journey. They do not take enough safety measures for facing any  eventualities in the journey of life.

     God has indicated the date of return on this box called "Deha" (human body). No body is keeping that date in mind. Man is not recognising the truth that he will not be able to know when this body would merge in Eternity. If you want to have  true peace and happiness, you must make efforts to earn the grace of God in the youth stage itself.

     Your hridayakshetra (the fild of your heart) is a sacred field since it belongs to God -"Kshetrajnam chaapi Maam Viddhi" declared Gitacharya. He is the Kshetra (field) and khsetrajna (the knower of the field).Having realised the truth that these two are the property of God, you will plough the land with the golden plough of good qualities and make it fertile with manures and fertilisers. Whoever has recognised the value of this kshetra (human body) and plough (good qualities) can never misuse them. 

Always fix your aim on God 

     Make your life meaningful by engaging yourself in activities that help others (paropakara); by travelling the road to Divinity; by reflecting divinity in your nature and ultimately by merging in divinity.

    Man today is exposed to so much of unhappiness and unrest; because he has thrown to winds maana (honour) and abhimana (self respect). He does not have the power to discriminate between atma and anatma. He lost his intellectual power as well. 

     The youth must be prepared to propagate the nature and qualities of sareerika, vachika and manasika thapas by their firm determination and their own practice. It is not possible to dvelop sathwic quality unless you remove the rajasic and thamasic qualities from your mind.

    What is Dharma? Contemplation on God is the true Dharma (righteous conduct). You may look after your wife and children; you may continue your employment; you may perform duties ordained on you. But your aim must be always be fixed on God. That is the goal of your life.

    You must always speak truth - this is the maxim. Sometimes, a necessity can arise for desisting from speaking the truth. In such circumstances, you don't speak untruth. Adopt a method by which you need neither speak the truth nor the untruth. Just because it is the truth you should not speak an unpalatable truth. Just because it is palatable, you should not speak an untruth. In such a confusing situation, you can adopt a tactics by which you need neither speak the truth nor untruth. But you should never speak untruth for fear of creating a dangerous situation by speaking the truth. Sometimes, you have to conduct yourself very carefully and with alertness. You must also bear in mind the necessity of not hurting others by your words. You must always speak that truth which neither hurts others nor you

Truth is a path to help us reach our Eternal Abode. This fact always be kept in mind. We should never indulge in dogmatic augmentation. meaning (arguing for a long time  arrogantly  that what one said is correct without listening to others).


    A tongue that is not tainted by untruth, the mind that is not polluted by impure thoughts and body that is not tainted by violence  these three put together is called Triputi. This is the Trimurthi thathwa. When you santify these three, you will have Sakshathkara of God (God realisation).   

    You must have control over your speech. Never say all sorts of things against anybody whom do not like in the name of truth and put him in difficulties.  

    Implement another advice " Adweshta Sarvabhoothanam" ( do not hate anybody).

    When you cultivate love, there is no scope for hatred or jealousy.

    The thoughts of a person who has cultivated love will be pure and sweet. That is why I told you that the anger of a person with Sathwic qualities will be momentary. It just comes and goes. Such a person is considered to be Uttama (most ideal or noble) according to Gita. 

Anger of a person treading the middle path madhyama will remain for two "ghadiyas" (one hour).

An Adhama ( a person at the lowest level) anger persists for one day.

An Adhamadhama (lowest of the lowly) anger will remain throughout the life. 

Gita has explained this concept from another angle.

Uttama's anger is like writing on the water. As you write, it gets erases. It will go away then and there.

Madhyama's anger is like a writing on the sand. As you begin to write, it is swept away by the wind. 

Adhama's anger is like a writing engraved on a granite stone. It remains for a long time. 

Adhamadhama's anger is like a writing on an iron bar. Unless you melt the iron it won't go. For melting the iron, you put in the fire, meaning it requires samskara (refinement). It is only when he undergoes intense refinement (gaadha samskara), his anger will subside. 

The Bhagavad  Gita has given several such beautiful examples taken from our daily life. We cannot put into practice all those examples. However, we have to take certain examples which are applicable to us in our daily life and try to put them into practice and lead a happy life.


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