Monday, September 21, 2020

Kshetra and kshetrajna Vibhaga

                 Kshetra and kshetrajna Vibhaga

     What is Kshetra? Who is Kshetrajna? What is the difference between the two? Let us analyse.

     The word "kshetra" contains two letters in sanskrit.

 " Kshetrajna" contains three letters. The "jna" is extra to the word "ksetrajna":  "Kshetra" is without the letter "jna". "Kshetrajna" is with the letter "jna".That is to say, deha (body) is without jnana (without the knowledge or awareness). Kshetrajna is with knowledge or awareness. 

Kshetra is the upadi (the field activity) of kshetrajna.We say this is my body. Eventhough you are not the body you say it is my body. Similarly, eventhough the kshetrajna (the knower of the field) is not the kshetra (field or the body), he thinks he is the body.  

     One has to recognise the dehi (the indweller in the body) only when the deha (the body) is alive. If there is no deha (the body), there is no possibility of searching for the dehi (indweller).We are able to perform all our actions and sadhanas only through the body. 

Our body consists of Five karmedriyas ( senses of action),          Five jnanendriyas (senses of perception)                                Five pranas (vital airs or life principles)                                    Panchakosas ( five sheaths) and one Jeevi ( individual self).

Together, they make up for 21 thathwas (principles). Also included in this are manas (mind), buddhi (intellect),          ahamkara (the individual ego) and                                  chiththa (inner consciousness). 

Thus, all these add up to 25 thathwas (principles), with which our body is made up of. That is why it is said that maya (the illusory body) consists of 25 marmas (secrets).

"Born in Maya, grown in Maya                                                Yet the dull-witted do not realise Maya                                    All our lives are Maya, our relationships Maya              Samsara is Maya, death is Maya                                          Why fall in Maya for this Maya life."     

     All that we see around us is Maya (illusory). You exist in one moment and disappear in another. Everything changes in tune with the wheel of Time. Days, months, years and even yugas are changing. Time is an eternal flow. An object that itself is being swept away cannot protect another. Who can protect whom? God is the protector of all, can only protect all living beings, He is the real embankment for the flow of time. This is the secret of life. He who realises this secret is the true vyakthi (individual).

     Therefore do not believe the jagath; do not forget God; eperience the divinity in humanity. Do not belive the jagath.  Do not fear death. Do no leave God under any circumstances; hold on to Him always. These are the three most important principles.

(This body is an instrument given to realise the indweller the eternal self God. We are not able to realise only because of Maya. When we follow the above 3 principles we can realise our goal of life)

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