Thursday, September 10, 2020

Contemplation on God is the true Dharma

                                                 Contemplation on God is the true Dharma

                            "Sarveshu kaaleshu Maamanusmara"

The Geetha has declared that those who constantly contemplate on God are most dear to Him.

     Nowadays it is only old people enter into the spiritual field. 

   They enter into the spiritual field as they get bored of the worldly pleasures. People run after wealth, wife and children thinking that there is peace and happiness in them. when they are disappointed from these and receive a blow somewhere sometime  they coolly return to the spiritual field. However they are better than those who do not think of God at any point of their life. Atleast, these people do it in the old age.

     There is no specific time or age for contemplation on God. That is why Gitacharya has given us the most important lead when He said "Sarveshu Kaaleshu". 

    Gita has identified certain qualities of a true devotee.

All these qualities however are included in two most important ones, namely, abhyasa and vairagya. (Practice and non-attachment).

Abhyasa is the product of three kinds of thapas, namely, sareerika, vachika and manasika. 

Vairagya means to identify the impurity and discard it; to perform the duties ordained on one and remain simply as witness, without entertaining a desire for the fruit of one's actions. 

     If man can observe these two sadhanas, there is no necessity for any other sadhana.

Sadhana must begin at an early age.

     The qualities (Abhyasa and Vairagya) can be developed only in the childhood and youth stages. It is possible to undertake these sadhanas only when the senses are powerful, when there is strength in the body and when you enjoy good health, sharp intellect and memory in plenty. In the old age, all kinds of weakness set in, the senses lose their power, memory and health fail and people lose their interest in life and no encouragement from any quarter is possible. In such a situation, it is very difficult to undertake any sadhana. 

     If people undertake these sadhanas and contemplate on God right from their childhood, they are sure to get its fruit in their old age. Contrary to this, if they waste their entire childhood and youth without undertaking any sadhanas or contemplating on God, enjoy mean and trivial carnal pleasures and ultimately scramble for God in the old age, God will not be available so easily for such people.

    The youth today are unable to distinguish between friends and foes even though they have the capacity to do so.

     When you are not able to contemplate on God while all your physical, mental and spiritual faculties are in perfect condition, how can you do it after all these energies dwindle?


   "Unable to move, vision blurred, face full of wrinkles,

   Hair turned grey, even children heckle you as an old wreck,

   You respond with angry grimace, Oh! Dancing Doll!

   Look at the fun of this leathery puppet.

 Thus you are  depressed and suffer with great mental and physical agony.You have turned blind; Your legs do not move; and hands refuse to function. How can you undertake any service.

     When the servants of Yama put the noose around your neck

And drag you saying 'come! come!

When the relatives hasten to shift your body outside, saying there is no  use keeping inside'

When your wife and children wail over your last moments 

will it be possible for you to chant God's Name ?

     Therefore, you have to lay a firm foundation for your spiritual life and security in the old age, even while you are young.

     Time and tide wait for nobody. You must make efforts to properly utilise your time and within your constraints. The enemy death and the army of diseases are invading the Kingdom of body. In such a situation, human beings are dying like dogs and fixes, none to care for them. Therefore, you have to earn the Grace of God even while in youthful stage.With such grace, you can  defeat the enemies and difficulties surrounding you.


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