Monday, June 29, 2020

Sakara and Nirakara worship Part II

                         Sakara and Nirakara worship part II

Sakara  : Saguna worship - worship of God with attributes

Nirakara : Nirguna worship - worship of God without attribute

As long as one has body consciousness and body-attachment man cannot contemplate on the Nirvikara aspects of God.

Bhakta or sadhaka must invriably start worshiping God with a form and attributes in the beginning. He can gradually switch over to the Nirakara worship. Nevertheless having a firm foot-hold in the sakara aspects of Lord.

Bhutakasa :               is the result of the objective world and   senses        .
(earth is a tiny dot )

Chitthakasa     :          is the result of the influence of the mind
subtle form                 
of mental space    

Chidakasa       :       is the casual form of the Universe  result of the                                    mind and senses merging   into one. Here there is neither mind nor senses

God can be worshipped in cosmic form. This worship of cosmic form is also a sakara worship.
God as the Lord of the Universe is Bhutakasa.

God in His cosmic form is chitthakasa.

Chidakasa which is Beyond these two and also beyond mind and senses  is the Nirakara Nirguna Parabhrahma.

Sakara is momentary whereas Nirakara is permanent.

    Both sakara and Nirakara methods of worship are important for the sadaka on the spiritual path by the inluence of Bhakti.Thus he will be able to reach his goal of sannidhya (Divine Presence)

    The mind is a bundle of sankalpa (thoughts). Such a mind constantly pervades Bhoothakasa the objective world.h

    All that you see in Bhoothakasa (physical universe) is like ision in the dream.

    Whatever experience you have in your dream state are disappearing in the waking state.

    Similarly, all your experience in the waking state are also vanishing in the dream state.

   Subtle  form ( not noticeable , not bright ) of Boothakakasa is chiththakasa.

   Subtlest form of chiththakasa is chidakasa and this chidakasa is the eternal casual form of Universe.

    Chidakasa pervades the whole universe as the minutest of the minute and mightiest of the mighty.

"Anoraneeyam Mahthomaheeyam" 

As the minutest in the minute and the mightiest of the mighty (very strong/powerful) it exists everywhere as a witness for everything.
That Atma is Brahman and Brahman is Atma, Nirguna Para Brahman.

    By Dhyana merge objective world and senses in chiththakasa (mind).

    Merge senses and mind (thoughts) . You will find neighter mind nor senses.

   Then you will realise Chidakasa all pervading Nirguna Para Bramha.


The Sakara and Nirvikara worship

                              The Sakara And Nirvikara Worship

  " Bhaktiman Mey Priyo Narah"  He who has devotion is dear to Me.

These are God's own words.  Man is acquiring  wealth, gold and  several other material things. He is able to achieve honours, prestige and power.These are momentary.

     What is to be achieved is God's Grace. It is full of essence, most precious like diamond and which grants perpetual joy.

 How to achieve such pure Love and Divine Grace?
Which path have you to tread for achieving this boon?

Remove ego and bad qualities from Hridaya Kshetra (Field of the heart). Then crop of atmananda (Atmc Bliss) become available.

     Same principle is explained in Bhakti Yoga in Bhagavd Gita.

( Attachment  to the body ) must be removed.
Man deludes himself into thinking that he is loving God.

What is important is whether God loves you or not.

How to achieve God's Love?

     You must always be contented, contented to the heart.

Tripti (contentment ) is different from Samtripti.

Tripti is momentaty, temporary, worldly nature -(Pravriththi)

You must have samtripti.

Samtripti flows from the heart. Changeless permanent and related to eternal truth (Nivriththi Marga). Neither anything can be added to it. It is a changeless self contented state of mind. This connotes an equanimous state of mind. One is neither elated by success or depressed by failure. It is pure unsullied and unwavering love.

     Whatever God grants, whatever God gives must be taken as Prasada (His Gift) and we must be contented with that. Such an equanimous state of mind and balanced behaviour can be considered as Samtripti.

   So we must have Samtripti to achieve God's Love.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

The qualities required for spiritual seeker

                          The qualities

 required for spiritual


     The student seeking spiritual knowledge (Vidhya) must possess kindness, compassion and love toward all living beings.Kindness to all living beings should be the student's very nature. If it is absent, the student becomes boor. More than anything else, spirituality is being compassionate toward living beings. If a person bears ill - will against any being, his or her education has no meaning. The advice given in the Gita Adwesahta sarva Bhuthanam ( bear no ill-will toward any or all beings, conveys this message. In the same manner, Bhagavad 
Gita warns that any insult or injury or even neglect directed against any living being is an act that insults, injures or neglects the Divine(Sarva jiva thiraskaram Keshavam pratigacchati). The narrow vision that is limited to one's family or community must be given up.
Uniform compassion shown in this manner transforms itself into
well-being for all the recipients. Wishing well for all is the sign of one who has earned spiritual knowledge.
chapter 16 - Vidya Vahini.
boor - meaning - a crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

The Mental transformation of Arjuna

                               The Mental transformation of Arjuna

Gita exorts : "Advestha sarva Bhoothanam Maitrah karuna eva cha "

     Do not hate anybody. Develop love and compassion towards all beings. When we talk of prema (love) whatever we think, whatever we speak, whatever do, must reflect love.

     We must develop unconditional love. 

      Arjuna was egoistic in the beginning and held Ghandiva with pride to destroy the Kauravas, his enemies.

     Just at the moment of commencement of the war he laid down the Ghandiva and sat down out of compassion born out of his ego thinking that he would be the killer of those warriers.

     Lord Krishna taught him the Gita and explained to him the correct position that he was 'Nimiththa Mathram' merely an instrument in His hands.

    Arjuna realised his folly and prostrated before Lord Krishna
saying "Karishye vachanam thava" I will act according to your intructions.

     Till then they were Brothers-in-law. But when Arjuna said the above words they became Guru and Disciple.

     Their relationship has now transformed into that of God and His devotee.

     Mental transformation is necessary for every devotee. 
Without this, any amount of devotion and nearness will be of no use.


Devotion - It's Characteristics

Some important Characteristics of devotion ; 
     In   devotion you must not only cultivate love, but must perform some acts of love as well.

Have sense of equanimity.

We should never get elated by praise nor depressed by scorn.
we should neither feel happy when profits accure nor should  we depressed in time of loss.

Cold and heat must be borne with the same equanimity.

All are God's creation.

Love never causes harm to anybody, never perpetrates violence on anybody and never hates anybody.


Monday, June 22, 2020

Essence of Bhavad Gita

First Sloka

Dharmakshetre kurukshetre samaveta yuyutsavah
Maamakaa Paandavachaiva Kimakurvatha Sanjaya

Last Sloka

Yatra Yogeswarah Krishno Yatra Partho Dhanurdharay
Thatra Sree vijayo Bhootir Dhruva Neethir Mathir Mama

     First word in the first sloka is Dharma 
     Last word in the last sloka is Dharma 

When you combine the two words it becomes Mama Dharma (My duty)

This is what is taught in Bhagavd Gita.

Gita exorts us to perform our respective duties in accordance and keeping with our positions.

Arjuna was Khatriya and grahastha. His duty was to fight in the battle field.
But Arjuna  put down bow and arrows out of despondency and delusion and sat down in the chariot. 

     In this situation Sri Krishna taught Bhagavad Gita and initiated him into his duty as khatriya.

     Finally Sri Krishna enquired Arjuna 

Are you free from delusion and ego now ?

Nirmamo Nirahankarah Prasanthi Madhigachati

He who is free from delusion and ego will attain peace.

Arjuna replied : I am totally free from delusion now.

     As long as there is Moha (delusion) - there is attachment

To become free from moha (delusion) is Moksha (liberation)

Moksha is not an exclusive privilege of sitting in an 
air-conditioned room.

Every man should perform his duty and lead an ideal life.

Chant the sloka, grasp the meaning and put into practice - This triple sadhana will make human life fruitful.

Then your soka will be removed.

                                 Bhakti Tathwa
                             The devotional Path

    Aham Thwaa Sarvapapebhyo
    Mokshayishyami Ma Suchaah

Whoever surrenders himself unto me and takes refuge in me, 
I will redeem him of all sins and grant him liberation. 
(Brahma Prapthi).

Spiritual aspirants must keep these words in their minds and strive to develop devotion and surrender to God.

vedas made an effort to describe the cosmic form of Divinity
thus "Atyathistath Dasangulam" . It means that God pervades the whole Universe and still rises to an extent of 10 inches extra. He is omnipresent. 

Bhutakasa :  Chandramandala, Suryamandala, 
Beautiful earth appears like a tiny dot in Bhutakasa

Chitthakasa : Subtle mental space 

Chidakasa : The casual form of the Universe.

Divinity is beyond all these three.

Humanbeings with their limited knowledge cannot recognise God who is the Lord of 

three lokas ( swarga,Marthya and pathala)

three gunas ( sathwa, Rajas and Thamas)

three aspects of time ( past, present and future)

But Bhagavad Gita has taught an easy method for this purpose.


Saturday, June 20, 2020

Divinity is one Goal is one

                                                 Divinity is one goal is one

     It is not possible to desireless actions in the beginning. Hence desires must  gradually be transformed as work for worship. Whatever we do, must be done to please God.

God is one. Wise men call Him by different names.

4 different types of men 

Artha                       : One who develops an intense yearning                                    for God.

Then he becomes

Artharthi                   : One who seeks w ealth from God.

Then Jijnasu            : a seeker of spiritual knowledge.

Finally Jnani            : a realised soul

These are 4 stages to reach Divinity.
It is a gradual evolution.

By constant practice things can be achieved in this world

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


In the first instance you must develop total faith in Divinity.
Atma Vidhya gives Atma Jnana.
Atma Jnana has two branches 1.Principles of unity in diversity 2. Immortality in mortality.
Atma Vidhya (spiritual knowledge) deals with  1. Sacred creation and sustenace of the universe
2. Divine path to attain the Lotus Feet of the Lord.

                     Basis of spiritual Knowledge

  1. Nirmala Chittha (pure heart)                                            
  2. Chittha Shuddhi (Purity of Conscience
               To develop purity of conscience perform  
 sacred karmas
   Sacred karmas flow from  

I 1) pure life (2) good behaviour (3) good qualities (4) good company (5) satudy of sacred texts like Maha Bharatha, ,Ramayana, Bhagavatha, Bhagavad Gita, upnishads, Bramhasutras etc.

II) Actions of charity, sacrificial rites etc.,

Atma Vidhya gives happiness by removing sorrow.

Helps to win the grace of God, attain Divine Atma Tatva

Material possessions cannot help to secure Atma Vidhya.

Lord Krishna Said

"Yo Madbhaktah sa May Priyah"

Who worships Me with full devotion is dear to Me.

Human nature acquires greatness through self confidence and faith in yourself and God.

Education and culture must be hand in hand.

Easwara Sarvabhutnam : God lives in every living being.

Esavasyam idam sarvam : The whole universe is pervaded by God.

Vasudeva Sarvamidham : All that is Vasudheva God.

We ascribe the names and forms to Him who is in fact all-pervading.


     There is no distinction between human being, educated or illiterate, a demon, an 
animal or a bird so far as devotion is concerned.

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa : did not pursue any secular education. He was from a very poor family. Day in and Day out he was engrossed in the worship of Durga Devi. He was able to spread spiritual power all over the world.

Valmiki: (Ratnakara highway robber transformed into the great rishi  Valmiki wholly due to the worship of God's name and form.

Prahladha: Son of Demon king Hiranyakasipu became world famous due to his love for God and  earned everlasting name and fame.

Hanuman: Though he belonged to the monkey species led a purposeful and worthy life by chanting of Ramanama. In fact, he set an example in the worship of God.

Jatayu: Vulture - by constant contemplation on Ramanama and worshiping Lord Rama with pure love could have the good fortune of getting his last rites performed by the Lord Rama.

     Pure and unsullied love towards God is devotion. This is selfless, flawless and unshakable.
We must cultivate such a Divine  love in our worldly relationships.

Begin our enquiry with a question " who am I "

My is separate entity which resides in everything as sakshi (witness) . This is also called as consciousness . Also called as " Chaitanya ". Chaitanya is present everywhere.
Another name to this chaitanya is Chith.

You can only recognise 'consciousness' 'chith'  by turning inward.

starting with the assumption 

Mind is not ' I '

Buddhi is not ' I '

'Chittha' is not 'I'

Ultimate stage of I am I is reached discovering nature of one's own Self. (Atma)

For discovering one's own self Atma do Sadhana.

Bhakti is that Sadhana marga. No separate path is necessary to reach God.e 

Omnipresent God can be found anywhere and everywhere.  Until we develop such firm belief and faith we have to depend upon name and form for our worship.

Bhakti Marga : leads to develop a feeling of unity with divinity and finally install ourselves in Atma Jnana.


Flower :             Path of action  (karma marga)

into raw fruit  : Bhakti marga

When raw fruit is
nourished and nurtures  :  Fruit of Jnana
ripens itself

Fruit                                 : enters the sweetness

Finally leading  to           : vairagya (detachment)


Karma  -   Action leads to

Upasana  - devotion (worship) leads to

Wisdom or Jnana leads to

Vairagya (detachment)

We should enter into the Karma Marga (path of action)

Whatever action we perform, they must be done with a spirit of offering to God.

Power of thinking and power of action, both are important to man.

Thought word and deed should be in harmony as in great souls. 
Whatever we do, it must be done whole heartedly. this is karma marga. 

Such type of Sadhana will lead to surrendering the fruit of actions to God.