Moha is the reason for sorrow
Every body (deha) is impermanent. Death is certain for the body. Inspite of knowing that death is certain for every being, if he cries for the dead person, it is because of this person developed moha for the body of that person, who died. Thus, the reason for this sorrow is only moha ( delusion) and not prema (love).
It is said Beauty is Bliss and Bliss is Beauty. Neither can exist without the other. Only Atma has both bliss and beauty. Since it has both it is permanent ; eternal. This atma has no vikara (change). As it has no akara (form) , it has no vikara. Eternal bliss emerges from one's own "hridaya" , every individual enjoys the same bliss in this universe, which is nothing but reflection of the inner bliss. This hridaya ananda is the resplendent, self-effulgent and all pervading light.
People may say, Swami is advocating sense control and brain control; will it not be a living death for us after controlling our senses. Our swami says for them as follows:
I once again emphasizing the fact that I am not advising you to remove the senses; let them remain as they are. Make use of them when required. But, apply brakes in times of danger; i.e., when evil thoughts prompt you to act in evil ways through the sense organs. In such situations, apply brakes and control your senses. On the other hand, if the brakes themselves are removed, there will be greater danger to your vehicle. " A bullock that is not tied to the yoke, a horse without a bridle, a car without brake and a human being without sense control are most dangerous," it is said.
wick - sense control is needed - jeewan jyothi (the light of life) will shine
for this earthern plate- vairagya is necessary to hold it.
you must have oil - devotion (Bhakti)
After all these things are available, there must be someone to light the lamp. Only then will the lamp glow. The one that lights the lamp is God.
Arjuna had bhakti and vairagya. Along with that, Krishna advised him to develop sense control. The lamp is now ready in Arjuna, with the earthern plate, wick and oil in position. Now Krishna lighted the lamp.(knowledge)
There is knowledge. There is also an intention to learn. Can the knowledge be aquired? No. There must a teacher to teach that knowledge. He is the Guru. He is the Jagadguru. He is verily God. If you want to recognise the atma sathya (atmic truth) that pervades and guides the whole universe and if you want to perform all your karmas (actions) in the right spirit, you must have a sadguru (great spiritual teacher). He is the guru of gurus, the jagadguru. He is verily God.
If ajnana (ignorance) is removed by jnana (knowledge or wisdom), then all our sorrows will also be removed. said the Lord.
In accordance with declaration " Mamaivaamso Jeevaloke Jeevabhoothah Sanathanah" (all living beings are a part of mine and they are as eternal as I am) (Bhagavad Gita 15th chapter 7th sloka) . There is no doubt at all in saying that humanness is divinity. Man x infinity = God. Since he is human he tends to forget Infinity and experiences only human nature, keeping his individual goal in mind. If he is to experience Infinity, he has to contemplate on the divinity in humanity.
Mind alone is responsible for bondage or liberation. This truth has been conformed by the sruthi (vedas) and smrithi (sastras or scriptures). when the mind stops functioning ( free from thoughts), all the indriyas automatically stop functioning and come to a standstill. All the indrias in our body are under the control of the mind. However the mind has two forms, impure and pure. When the mind comes under the control of the senses, it becomes impure mind. When it comes under the control of the intellect, it becomes pure mind.
The mind is full of sankalpas (resolutions) and vikalpas (negations). That which contemplates is called mind. There is no specific form for the mind. If you turn it towards maanavathwa (humanness), the impurities of the senses can be avoided to a certain extent. You must make an effort to gradually keep the mind away from these impurities.This sadhana is called dhyana (meditation). This is also called yoga.
The body requires proper rest, similarly the mind requires peace. How does the mind acquire peace? It is only when sankalpa and vikalpa are controlled. A mind which always runs after sense objects can be diverted to pure thoughts by a practice of sense control. This is called Abhyasayoga (the yoga of practice).
In daily life, for a person travelling in the ocean of samsara, self control and knowledge about the Atma, i.e., the power of discrimination as to what is permanent and what is impermanent, are very necessary. Without this human life will be meaningless. Man has to achieve two things- freedom outside and inner freedom. Control of senses is necessary for leading a happy life in the outside world. Similarly, for achieving inner peace mental freedom is essential.
For every human being, whether he is asthika or nasthika, sense control is very essential. When the senses are agitated and crave for sensual pleasures, several weaknesses will arise in man. When the human body thus becomes weak, he will not be able to undertake any activity. His condition will be miserable.
Truly speaking, man cannot achieve even a small task without the support of Divine Power. Take for instance, Arjuna's case. He was able to perform many heroic deeds and fight the battle of Mahabharatha and vanquished the enemies. But, after Lord Krishna left for his heaven abode, Arjuna could not fight with the forest tribals and rescue gopikas while bringing gopikas to Hastinapura. What is the reason? All the while, Arjuna was under the impression that it was all the strength of his own mighty shoulders that won him many battles. Arjuna was able to win many battles by the power granted to him by the God. ( deivabala).
Man is able to perform all his activities only because of the support and sustenanace provided by God residing as the indweller, as atma swarupa in him.
Either you have to turn your vision towards God or you must use your intellect and develop knowledge. If none of these methods is employed, then ignorance remains as it is. That is why Sri Krishna advised Arjuna to develop his Jnana. If dehabimana is to go, first the raga and dwesha (attachment and hatred) have to go. If ajnana has to be destroyed, jnana has to be developed. That is why it is said jnana (knowledge) alone can confer liberation.We must be able to recognise the divinity i.e., atma thathwa, by process of enquiry.
Every individual must devote three fourth of his time to enquiry and one fourth to sadhana. When these two are combined, human life will become meaningful. Do not engage your body in useless pursuits. Engage yourself in purposeful karmas. Only then will your life be sanctified.
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