Tuesday, December 15, 2020


                                                        SENSE CONTROL

         The root cause for all our sorrows is the weakness of our senses. We must keep them strong and engage them in sacred karmas. We must ever be on our gaurd to see that they do not stray into perverted ways. Bhagavad Gita has emphasised sense control and not sense extinction. It has never advised karma thyaga (renunciation of actions). It has advised only karmaphala thyaga (renunciation of the fruit of our action).This subtle distinction must be understood properly. We have to engage ourselves in doing karmas. Sri Krishna himself has emphasised as under.

Na mey paartha asti karthavyam thrishu lokeshu kinchana

Naanavaaptham avaapthvyam vartha evacha karmani.

 " I have no karhavyam (duty) to perform. I have nothing to achieve. Still, I am doing karmas. Then why don't you also do karmas? 

   We have to make use of the indriyas, but in "maathrah"  i.e., within a measure or a limit. Sri Krishna advised to make use of our senses without allowing them to stray into perverted ways. This is the most important message of the Gita.

   Bhagavad Gita has described the atma thathwa as follows:

    Atma thathwa which is self effulgent is placed in deha (body) which has nine holes. This deha is covered with  mamathwa which is nothing but ignorance. This is Maya, another form of divinity. 

    When maya of mamathwa is removed, you will find nine jyothis. 

    When dehathma bhava is broken, you will find only one single  jyothi i.e., one Atma jyothi (atma thathwa). Only one atma jyothi comes out of nine holes of your body. 

eyes   - reflection

ears    - reaction

mouth - resound

    Thus what you experience through your senses is only the reflection, reaction and resound of that Atma jyothi.

    As long as body is there the jyothis appear different.

    Break the dehabhimana (body attachment) you will be able to witness atma thathwa.

    The atma thathwa is permeating every living being. This is called Samathwa ( the principle of spiritual equqlity) This is called as yoga (union with God). Samathwa yoga Uchhyathe.

    What is the goal of this human birth? Human life is not meant for man becoming pasu (an animal). Instead, man should transform himself into Pasupathi (master of the animals i.e., Lord Shiva). Manava (man) is born to attain Madhavathwa (divinity); but, not for degenerating himself into a danava (demon). Everyone must realise this truth that human birth is given to us to attain this noble goal.Jesus Christ also spoke about this. He said, " Man lives not by bread alone. There is something higher and nobler in him."

Kama is the captain of all bad qualities.

     In the first instance, the captain called kama makes a hole in the wall of the house and enters into it. Immediately after him, the other enemies of krodha (anger), lobha (greed) and dwesha (hatred) also enter. As soon as these enemies enter, man loses his wisdom and power of discrimination and surrenders himself to the enemies. Consequently, he breaks his promise and changes his firm resolve. The root cause for all these calamities is kama (desire).

     This rampart of the body is built with flesh, blood and bones. As long as the dehi ( the indweller) resides in this deha (body), it will spread fragrance of different kinds. Once the dehi leaves it putrifies emitting foul smell. " It is a leather bag of nine holes, not the resplendent diamond studded vessel". Such a body if engaged in sacred and divine pursuits, it transforms itself into a temple where the divine atma resides as the indweller. 

    Deha is given for realising the dehi ( the indweller divine atma). This is the reason why you are granted more intellengence than the birds, beasts and animals.

     The kama (desire) which fritters away his inner faculties must be removed first. It does not mean that you should not have desires. Without desires, man cannot live. But, those desires must be with good intentions and properly channelled to help others lead an ideal life. This is the real human nature.

Work must be transformed into worship

    Whatever activity he undertakes, whether small or big, if it is done with a feeling of dedication and to please God, his life will be sanctified. Every act of man must be transformed into a divine act. Work must be transformed into worship. Whatever activity is undertaken, it must be analysed first whether it befits him or not, as a human being.

     The unity in diversity

      There is a downpour outside.Water is seeping through the tiles fixed to the roof of your house. Similarly water is seeping through the asbestos sheets and the roof slabs of your neighbouring houses.Water drops are falling from the branches of the trees. We think the water is leaking from the tiles, asbstos sheets roof slabs and tree branches.Strictly speaking, it is rain water from the clouds. The same rain water seeps through the tiles. sheets, roof slabs and tree branches. This princple of unity in diversity must be recognised. (Atma thathwa) When you realise this unity, the diversity is removed. When diversity goes. kama (desire) disappears. When desire disappears, there is no chance for krodha (anger) to persist. When kama and krodha are destroyed, atma janana will be revealed to you as your own individual self.  By sadhana and enquiry, we must realise the principle of unity of the divinity in us.

     Whatever actions we perform, if they are performed as offerings to God, their value will be increased by that assoiciation with God. Those karmas will acquire sanctity.


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