Wednesday, November 4, 2020

control the senses

                                                         Control the senses

             We must be careful from the beginning not to give scope for bad thoughts to enter the mind even in small matters. A man who has become a slave to the indriyas can never recover himself. He will never be able to have happiness. First of all we must find a way out by which the senses can be controlled. When you control the senses and bring them under the care of the mind and when the mind itself is subjected to the discrimination of the intellect, you will be able to decide what is right and what is wrong, correctly.

             A person who takes the intellect as the basis, transforms himself into purushothma (the best among men). What is buddhi (intellect)? That which has the power to discriminate between permanent and impermanent. If you depend on such an intellect, it will lead you in the right path, till your last moment.

            Sri Krishna devoted a lot of time in this sankhya yoga, to the concept of sense control. Once it is achieved, the other yogas like karma or bhakti become easy. Till such time you achieve sense control, you must continue to depend upon jnana yoga. 

           Perishable objects give us only perishable happiness. Therefore, Lord Krishna exhorted Arjuna to strive for attaining true and permanent atma thathwa.This is atma jnana. Without obtaining this, there is no use of acquiring any other jnana. 

           Sri Krishna emphasised the fact "Adhyathma Vidya Vidyanam", meaning atma vidya alone is true vidya.

           Considering the body as the chariot, senses as the horses, mind as the bridle and the Intellect as the charioteer, the jiva (being) must continue his journey, sitting in this chriot. 

           You must firmly hold these horses called senses, with the bridle called the mind. There is no basis at all for the mind's wanderings. Therefore, while depending upon such a mind, one must be careful enough to hold it firmly by using the discrimination of intellect.

(Intellect should control the mind with discrimination what is right - then mind will control the senses.)

           If you really want to attain divinity, you must be free from the pancha dosha (five faults). 

1. Vaag dosha       - speaking bad words.

2. Drishti dosha     - seeing bad things

3. Kriya dosha       - doing bad deeds

4. sravana dosha  - hearing bad words

5. Mano dosha      - thinking bad thoughts.

         If you are able to remove these pancha doshas from your personality, you will become Paramathma verily.

Man should keep his tongue under control. This is the first and foremost sadhana. The reason being, the tongue has two powers , talk as well as feel the taste. Therefore, it must be always be engaged in divine activities.

         You must ensure that you do not use bad words against anybody or cause harm to anybody. Engage yourself in speaking good words, in contemplation on God and the singing the glory of God. Thereby, sanctify your time.

        Undertake sadhana to keep your senses under control, gradually. 

        For this type of sadhana abhyasa (practice)    and vairagya ( detachment) are necessary. 

       If you cultivate a sense of detachment from the objects  by developing a feeling the all that you see are impermanent objects, you can control your senses. This is abhyasa yoga. 

      We are Aryas not Anaryas. We must tread the right path. 

      We must develop purity. We must have illumination. 

In order to travel the path of righteousness, we must have illumination. And that illumination is Jnanana (wisdom). Those who have that jnana are divine beings. The rest are demons.

     Whoever controls his senses, will have the capacity to undertake any task. There is nothing which he cannot achieve. 

    " One who becomes a servant to the unsatiable desires also becomes a servant to the whole world. To the one who conquers desire, the whole world will fall at his feet."

      You should never become a servant to the senses. Instead, the senses should become servant to you. 

Thus Sri Krishna exhorted Arjuna about the sense control and desire. He instructed to acquire the jnana by which one can distinguish between atma and anatma.


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