Friday, November 13, 2020

The Characteristics of a Sthithaprajna

                                                      The Characteristics of a Sthithaprajna

    Sri Krishna exhorted Arjuna to firmly establish in atma sthithi (the nature of Atma) and perform all his actions. The actions will be fruitful if he has swaswarupa smriti (awareness of one's own self). Then the actions will not blind the person. To perform such actions control of senses is very essential. Whoever has such control, is sthithaprajna. (one who is firmly established in constant integrated awareness).

     The main characteristic of sthithaprajna is to maintain equanimity, 

i.e. to take heat and cold, happiness and sorrow, honour and dishonour and profit and loss with the same sense with equanimity and constantly engross himself in the awareness of one's own Self. As long as the man is bound by the dehathma bhava he cannot attain such a state of sthithaprajna.

     There is only one thing in this universe, which is beyond the panchabhuthas, that is Divinity. Therefore aspire for divinity, keep it as your goal and perform the duties ordained on you. Actions (karmas) coupled with jnana are the best. Jnana (wisdom) means realising the unity of divinity. Actions meant to realise the atma thathwa are supreme. You perform actions. But, consider them as actions to please God and carry on your activities. Thus explained Lord Krishna to Arjuna.

     There are no objects, individuals or things in this world, which are true and eternal. There is nothing in this outer world which is not in you. That which is all-pervading, which you are not aware of at the moment, is Sathyam, Sivam and Sundaram. Therefore, make an effort to realise that Sathyam(truth), Attain that Divinity, Sundaram (beauty). Do your duty. Thus, Lord Krishna taught so many things to Arjuna including the characteristics of  sthithaprajna and instilled a sense of confidence in him to get ready for the balltle.

     Sri Krishna further exhorted Arjuna " keep your aim firmly fixed on Me," obey my command and perform your duty.

     One who lives in the awareness of the atmathathwa and ignores worldly pleasures is called sthithaprajna.

     A sthithaprajna means a sarvasanga parithyagi (a total renunciant). You perform all actions. Engage yourself in worldly activities. But, fix your aim on the atmathathwa.

     Lord Krishna played the grand game as a chariator to remove the dehatma bhava of Arjuna and firmly install him in paramathma thathwa.

Lord Krishna exhorted Arjuna thus. The world is impermanent and gives you unhappiness only.  Therefore, seek refuge in the true and eternal Divinity. God is the only one who does not undergo change. He is the eternal and self-effulgent flame. Seek refuge in that flame. That is the paramjyothi.(supreme light).  That is the jivana jyothi (the light of life). That is the akhanda jyothi (the eternal light). That is the adwaitha jyothi    ( the light of non-dualism). Seek refuge in that jyothi. Thus the Lord Krishna taught in ever so many ways and dispelled the darkness of ignorance prevailing in his heart.

     Jnana jyothi

          If you want to light the  lamp, you must have an earthern conclave plate, a wick and oil. These three are essential. Similarly if you want to light the lamp of wisdom, the earthern plate of vairagya is most essential. Here devotion is the oil and sense control is the wick. It is only when these three come together, is possible for the atma jyothi (the light of atma the self) or jnana jyothi (the light of wisdom), or the param jyothi (the supreme divine effulgence) or the prana jyothi (the light of the life)  to glow.

     An ajnani thinks that he is enjoying the sensory objects with his senses and feels very happy; but actually, that happiness is not from the external world. It is happiness within. It is a reflection of the inner happiness.

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